Mathematical Modeling of Failure and Deformation Processes in Metal Alloys and Composites
Volume 8, Issue 4, July 2020
13 May 2020
3 July 2020
17 July 2020
Abstract: Based on experimental examples, the strength characteristics of metal alloys and composites under tensile and compressive loads are considered to demonstrate both their similarity and difference. Under tensile loads, their behavior is essentially the same. Under compressive loads, the composite shows different properties, but similar to the behavior of a metal alloy under tension. When tensioned and compressed, it fractured as a material with a different structure. When a metal alloy is cyclically compressed, the damage accumulation process is attenuated, which reduces the alloy longevity during subsequent tension. The analysis of experimental data for various types of loading from the standpoint of the kinetic concept of fracture is carried out. Instead of a number of incompatible approaches or a formal description of experimental data, that based on the theory of reaction rates is used. Mathematical modeling of processes is carried out using rheological models of the material. Structural models of the material, called physical media, reflect the thermodynamic processes of flow, failure, and changes in the structure of the material. Parametric identification of structural models is carried out on the basis of the minimum necessary basic experiment: loading of specimens with different speeds at several temperature values and by the amplitude dependence of inelasticity. Based on results of these experiments, the scope of applicability conditions for this material and test modes necessary for parametric identification of models are selected. One fracture criterion is used, which formally corresponds to the achievement of a threshold concentration of micro-damage in any volume of the material, leading to macro-fracture. The application of mathematical models for calculating the longevity of materials depending on the temperature and force loading conditions and the nature of their changes is shown. Calculations of longevity under constant, monotonously increasing and variable loads under conditions of constant or changing temperatures are based on the relationship of plastic flow and failure processes distributed over the volume of the material. They are performed numerically by time steps depending on the ratio of the rate of change of temperature and stresses.
Abstract: Based on experimental examples, the strength characteristics of metal alloys and composites under tensile and compressive loads are considered to demonstrate both their similarity and difference. Under tensile loads, their behavior is essentially the same. Under compressive loads, the composite shows different properties, but similar to the behavio...
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Sub-barrier and Above-barrier Electron Transport Through Multilayer Semiconductors
Voxob Rustamovich Rasulov,
Rustam Yavkachovich Rasulov,
Iqboljon Mamirjonovich Eshboltayev,
Ravshan Rustamovich Sultanov
Volume 8, Issue 4, July 2020
24 July 2019
13 December 2019
16 September 2020
Abstract: The transparency coefficients of the semiconductor structure consisting of alternating asymmetric potential barriers and wells are calculated, where taken into account the Bastard condition. It is shown that both in the above-barrier and over barrier passage of electrons, tunneling oscillations arise. The amplitude, in this case, is determined not only by the values of the wave vectors, but from the values of the effective masses of the current carriers. This oscillation does not disappear even in symmetric structures if they have a difference in the effective masses of current carriers located in two neighboring regions. In symmetrical structures, an oscillation of the coefficient of the above-barrier passage of a particle depending on its energy should be observed without taking into account the Bastard condition. Calculations show that for equal values of the width of the well and the potential barrier, as well as jumps in the potential of the barrier or well, the amplitude of the oscillations of the coefficient of over-barrier passage of particles is greater than the coefficient of passage above the well. In the case of an asymmetric structure, these considerations remain valed, but the physical nature of the parameters, for example, the number of oscillations, reflection and transmission coefficients, strongly depends on the ratio of the effective masses of electrons in neighboring layers and from the ratio of the height of the left and right potential barrier (regarding to the well). In an asymmetric (and in a symmetric, but with different effective masses of electrons in different layers) semiconductor structure, oscillation should be observed depending on the coefficient of transmission through the potential barrier on the energy of electron. This oscillation is caused by the interference of waves going to the barrier and reflected from the potential barrier. Such an interference phenomenon in the structure does not disappear even in a symmetric structure due to the difference in the effective masses of electrons located in different regions of the structure. The electronic states of a multilayer semiconductor structure consisting of alternating potential wells and barriers are analyzed.
Abstract: The transparency coefficients of the semiconductor structure consisting of alternating asymmetric potential barriers and wells are calculated, where taken into account the Bastard condition. It is shown that both in the above-barrier and over barrier passage of electrons, tunneling oscillations arise. The amplitude, in this case, is determined not ...
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